Welcome to my website.
I must confess, I myself have never painted a picture window with colors. Nevertheless, I have to do with this topic since a long time.
I have to thank my wife. Namely that runs the hobby for many years and has also been selling quite a few pictures at various events and markets. During this long period I was frequently namely create and print the coloring pages on the PC in good quality.
I want you here now introduce some coloring pages for your window pictures that you can download for free.
All black and white images are 1654 x 1654 pixels in size and in good quality. In addition, I've now all coloring as colorful clipart (1200 x 1200 pixels). Click to download just on a thumbnail. The
larger image will open in a new window. Then click the right mouse button on the large picture and choose the menu option "Save Image As ..." or "Save image as ...".
Over time, this collection is still expanding. Take a look from time
to time back here.